If you have samples from 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. Click here.
If you have samples from 0, 30, 60, and 120 minutes. Click here.
If you have samples from 0, 60, and 120 minutes. Click here.
If you have samples from 0 and 120 minutes Click here.
If you have samples from 0, 30 and 120 minutes Click here.
Please use as many as possible measurements to calculate the AUC (area
under the curve) of responses of glucose and insulin, preferably until
the return to the basal state (i.e., up to 180 or 240 minutes), although
this site does not support the calculation. Matsuda index uses the metabolic
clearance rate during the OGTT. Option of different doses other than 75
g of glucose has not been well validated. Use the same way of calculation
for comparison.
Click after data input